Monday, September 27, 2010


We've all seen tv shows where we look at the messy,crowded state that some people deal with (live in) on an every day basis and shake our heads wondering how it could ever get that bad. Not me. I know how it could get that bad.

I have boxes and piles of paper and files. Multiple audits, a couple zone changes and a trip to the Ontario Municipal Board will do that for you. That and five corporations to keep straight. I recently spent the better part of the day sorting and filing into bankers boxes so I can at the very least, get rid of some of this paper and move it into storage. To the average person, it's still a disaster but to me, much better.

Anyone who knows my family knows I come by it honestly. My parents save everything. From antiques to outfits, we've got it all. Have a scavenger hunt? Look no further, if it's not in their basement it is in the attic. Need a Life magazine from 1969? We've got it- my mom isthem in case my brother or I have a project. I think we're okay if one comes up, mom.

The bonus to all this hoarding? we have some really neat stuff to look back on. Most of my artwork from when I was a kid, all my ballet costumes, dress up clothes and toys. It makes me smile to see my daughter dressed up in the same outfits that my friends and I played in hour after hour. The look on my mom's face is priceless too, kind of I told you so, but just plain glad she kept all the stuff!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There is an App for that....

Let me preface this by saying I do not own an iPhone nor will I own an iPhone despite the peer pressure coming at me from friends, family or random Bell support guys but I do have something to say about them.

The iPhone has been quite the topic of debate and conversation in our world this week. Most has centered around the fact that I do not wish to upgrade to one choosing instead to stay in my Blackberry world. But, the other role that the iPhone has played this week has been an important one of lessons learned and stories told.

The first comes in when we were out of dinner on Monday night. It was a celebration of sorts involving three families and a total of 5 children under the age of 5. We were at family restaurant that loves when we bring our kids but not your typical family restaurant. A smaller, everyone knows your name and that of your children type restaurant. We planned for this and went for an early, dinner on the table for 5pm sort of dinner (okay it was supposed to be but we were a little late). The children chatted, played with some toys and ate. By that time they were starting to get a little antsy and therefore out came the iPhones. With children quietly playing various games (mostly educational…) an older couple who had just finished from a table behind us stopped by our table on their way out. The gentleman came over to ask us how we had managed to have such a peaceful dinner with five young children. We all would like to think that our fantastic parenting skills had come into play and could take credit for most of the good behaviour but the unanimous answer from the table came “iPhones” There is an app for that.

Our second iPhone dominated experience came this week with a customer in the store. A lovely gentleman who had come to order his daughter a stroller. As we like to do, we got chatting with the man about various subjects from grandchildren to politics to computers and back again. Throughout the entire conversation there were two iPhones popping in and out of cases and pockets as the conversation was interrupted and injected with comments of “oh and do you have this one?” Apps. Tons and tons of apps. Some we shared and some we had yet to experience that required immediate downloading for our children and well some for our enjoyment as well. It was a great conversation that admittedly took up a large part of our morning but also something that was so great to share and be a part of.

I am not going to get an iPhone. I will admit that it does have benefits and perks but I am not getting an iPhone. I had a wonderful week full of great conversations and food which some may attribute to having an iPhone but the personal benefits I gained from all of this well…there isn’t an app for that.

Monday, September 20, 2010

One of the things that fascinates me most about my daughter is how pleased she is when she learns a new skill. Yesterday she learned how to take pictures on the iphone. She is now officially the paparazzi. My husband and I have hundreds of pictures now on each of our phones which, quite frankly, are not of the highest quality. Many are not even in focus but what is interesting is the subject. What she took photos of.

You can tell where she was by identifying the item in the picture. Flowers from the garden, Granddad, her books, toys, the mosaic tiles on the table outside, and it goes on. But it's interesting to see, through her eyes, the world as a four and a half year old.

She's a happy kid that's for sure. This newfound skill is quite amusing and maybe even practical. It's kind of cute and it keeps her busy. Have I deleted any? No, not yet. We'll see how long the phase lasts and how much memory it occupies. Maybe I'll even print some off and make an album.

It's the simple things that matter to kids. Often we lose track of that trying to come up with the best idea, to build the perfect memory. We just need to slow down and let the kids take the lead.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What do donkeys have to do with children?

I have to admit, the name caught me by surprise. I don't often associate donkey with children's products. Pin the tail on it maybe, but not as a cutting edge, breakthrough product from one of my favourite companies. Got your interest?

Bugaboo has done it again. When they said they were working on a stroller for multiple children, yes, multiple, you knew it really would be like no other. It would (and did) take a very long time, but when it was finally unveiled, it would be spectacular. World, meet the Bugaboo Donkey.

I have to be truthful, I have not seen it in person yet. The first pictures have only recently surfaced on the internet but from what I have managed to find out, it is truly unique. Imagine a single stroller that offers an expandable storage area and goes from single to double and back. The side by side double can be used in the toddler seat mode or basinet mode or both at the same time. Oh and it fits through a standard size doorway too.

I can't wait to see it. You can rest assured that Offspring Baby will have it in the store as soon as we can, but alas, it is not available until the Spring. One more thing to look forward to. I for one, cannot wait.

Did I mention I only have one child? She really doesn't need a stroller. But mom does.

Are you feeling lucky?

Is today your day? Are you feeling lucky? Even if you're not you should give it a shot! Not too long ago had the opportunity to *attempt* to capture our Offspring. Shannon was surprisingly successful considering our Offspring had other plans (that and the heat, bugs,and general cooperative nature of a five year old, four year old and a baby). Yup, we're a clever bunch. But I digress.....

We are partnering up with Shannonview Photography to offer a contest. You could win a fabulous prize package valued at $200! A $100 gift certificate from Offspring Baby and a $100 gift certificate from Shannonview Photography. How by chance do you win? Just look below!

If you don't already follow @Offspringbaby on Twitter or facebook, sign up. Each is worth an entry. If you already follow us (and we thank you very much) you can suggest, encourage, gently force, etc. your friends to follow us too. Just make sure they comment on our facebook page and say you sent them. You both get an entry for that!

If you really want to win this contest (and we know you do) spread the word about Offspring Baby and Shannonview Photography. You can comment on our facebook pages or blogs every time you do something to share the love.

Contest is open until Friday September 24th.

How about that?

Good luck!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hello there! Again.

It's been a long time.  Too long in fact and I am really going to try and make an effort to start posting again more frequently.

It's a quiet day outside today.  I guess most people are getting ready for back to school or squeezing in some last minute trips here and there.

We've had a busy summer.  Between Offspring and Flag Raiders, factor in the kids, camp, activities and you've got one heck of a full calendar.

We finally managed to squeeze in some family photos with Shannonview Photography.  I do mean squeeze in.  Four o'clock on a Sunday afternoon with a five year old, four and half year old and a nine month old is tricky.  Very tricky!  Luckily Shannon snapped quickly and managed to come up with some really great shots.  When I look at the photos I am shocked at how grown up the kids are.  My nephew P who is five, is a full fledged child.  He looks so, so grown up in some of the shots that it's hard to believe how quickly time has passed.  My nine month old nephew is a small man too, sporting a very sophisticated sweater vest.  My daughter F at four and a half is getting so big.  She's almost as independent as she thinks she is.

Soon school will be starting and we'll have a whole new kind of busy.

I'll check back soon.  Really.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Boo to you!

We're back!  Really, we are.  Our family returned Wednesday night from a lovely trip to Orlando.  Yes, the Happiest Place on Earth called our name and we came.  Pack up a couple grandparents, two sets of parents and two four year olds and you've got a party!  All we needed were matching outfits (more about that unfortunate situation later.)

I do think that we have got traveling with kids down to a science.  Each time we fly we add something else to the mix to make our trip even more successful.  This year we had new Sunshine Kids Radian car seats, a huge improvement over our previous seats.  Although a bit heavier than the others, the fact that they fold and have a shoulder strap for ease of transport makes all the difference.  We were able to easily walk down the aisle of the plane without having to lift the entire car seat above the airline seats as it is narrow enough to go down the aisle.  Stellar!  They installed quickly and easily using the airplane's lap belt (no extension required) and were ready to go.  The kids enjoyed the familiarity and comfort of their very own car seats and I enjoyed the fact that the tray table could be used as they don't sit as high as the others.  My daughter happily munched on her snack, watched seat back TV and I had a small nap.  What could be better?

Disney was even more fun this year as the kids really knew what was going on and were excited to see all their favorite characters.  Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party was a hit and we had an excellent location scouted out for both the parade and fireworks.  Another visit to the Hollywood Studios made for a great day despite the hotter than normal weather.  We carefully planned out our destinations and managed to fit everything we wanted in without any meltdowns.  Highlight of the day for the kids, lunch with the Little Einsteins.  Highlight for the adults, the hoards of families dressed in matching outfits.  Mom and daughter in Tinkerbell and Dad and son in matching golf ensembles.....If I posted the pictures you would agree but it wouldn't be nice!

Back into the swing of things we go, Halloween will be here before we know it.  Today is a beautiful fall day.  Get outside and enjoy it!